Rumor or Truth: Is Havasupai Changing The Date To Book For 2019?

If you have been following any of the news surrounding Havasupai, you are probably aware of the flash flood that occurred back in July and closed the campgrounds and lodge for over a month. Luckily, no one was seriously injured but, because of the closure, a lot of tourists had to cancel or re-book their reservations for 2019. Now, I don't tend to buy into a ton of rumors when it comes to booking my travel but since the unofficial Havasupai and Havasu Falls Facebook group has generally had some good insider information regarding the flash flood, I figured that it's probably in my best interest to take what they publish into consideration. 

On Friday, an admin of the Facebook group published an update to the page stating "camping reservations have traditionally started on February 1st - but there is a good chance that may change" - what does this mean? This means... well, I'm not exactly sure what this means but I do know that the tribe is encouraging (and always has encouraged) people to sign up to their mailing list to get the latest updates. 

Screen grab from the Havasupai and Havasu Falls Facebook Group

We do know that since Havasupai has been closed, the tribe has allowed those affected by the closure to re-book their reservations for any available dates in 2019. This means that any campers re-booking will have first-access to prime 2019 dates without having to compete with thousands of other campers hoping to reserve at the same time. I'm not really sure how this will affect their online booking system but if they plan to use their online system in 2019 (which worked very well for them in 2018), they will have to somehow adjust their numbers to accommodate for those who have re-scheduled due to the closure. 

Screen grab from the official Havasupai Reservation page on Monday, August 12, 2018

As for lodgers, this doesn't seem to apply. The official website even seems to be clear that signing up for the mailing list will give you the latest information on the campground reservations when it becomes available. No word on lodging at all (and, as we already know, it's a totally different system anyway).

Either way, if you're looking for the latest on when you can start booking your 2019 camping reservations, your best bet is to sign up for the Havasupai mailing list and get the information straight from the tribe.
